Hi! 👋

We’re so excited that you’re considering joining us! We also know that visiting someplace new naturally brings to mind the question, “What can I expect?” So, we’ve done our best to answer that question as you scroll.

Regular Service Times

Saturday, 4:30p & Sunday, 9:00a + 10:30a

Online and in-person.

How do I get there?

A simple but important question:

960 S Interstate 25
Castle Rock, CO 80104

But the best way to find us is to search Plum Creek Church in your map app of choice.

Open in Apple Maps ↗︎

Open in Google Maps ↗︎


What should I do when I arrive?

Well, first, you’ll be directed to a parking spot by some friendly faces on our Parking Team. After that, you’ll walk into the building and maybe grab some free coffee at the cafe, or if you have kiddos, you’ll head to the Welcome Desk (Just outside the cafe.) and let them know you’re new!

Once you see the countdown start on the screens in the atrium, you’ll know it’s time to finish up those conversations and head to the auditorium. (Unless you already grabbed a great seat right when you arrived!)

What if I have kids?

Like we mentioned above, you’ll head right to the Welcome Desk and let our rockstar team know that you’re new! They’ll walk you through getting your little ones (Infant through 5th Grade) checked in to Creek Kids and show you to the classroom they’ll be in while you’re in “big church*.”

*At least that’s what the kids call it.

What else should I know?

We’re sure you still have questions, so feel free to explore some of the answers to the most common questions we get.

  • We believe in Jesus.

    If you’d like an expanded explanation you’ll find our Beliefs page extra helpful.

  • We do! Seeing changed lives, changing lives is why we’re here! This whole thing exists to make Jesus famous and advance His kingdom here in Castle Rock and beyond.

  • We have five values that aren’t meant to be a list of rules we strive to follow. Instead, they’re guiding statements that hold each of us accountable to impact our valley in Jesus’ name.

    You can learn all about them on our Values page and read a letter from our Lead Pastor, Doug Miller, that speaks to our heart as a church.

  • A good rule of thumb would be about 30 minutes in advance so that when the auditorium doors open you’ll be ready to grab a seat.

    But don’t worry, we have plenty of seats and additional viewing options throughout the building!

  • Whatever you want! Weekends are crazy enough without having to worry about finding your fancy threads.

  • YES!!! We’re here to share the love of Jesus. He didn’t exclude people, so neither do we.

  • Feel free to let us know what additional questions you might have by filling out this form and our team will be sure to follow up with you.